Wedding DJ, Saxophone & Percussion

Massive beats and scorching solos


The DJ & Sax player is the most popular combination for weddings and events looking to wow your guests with a big sound for an affordable price.

The combination of this power duo line-up means you have the beats covered and the sax player adds that level of sizzle to the sound to get the dancefloor jumping. Most of our sax players perform with wireless microphones so they can rove around the dancefloor creating and fun and interactive experience for everyone.

We are discerning about the standard of sax players we collaborate with to ensure that their solo’s tear the roof off and create stories of wonder and excitement for years to come.


DJ, Saxophone & Percussion FAQ

  • You most certainly can. All of our players in each location have played with each other for many years and are all well-rehearsed together. Some of our duos choose to only play in a set combination, but most of the time you can mix and match.

  • Pre-booking consultation to choose the best combination, planning, and song list support leading up to your wedding or event & top quality PA and lighting equipment.

  • Additional party lighting to emphasize the transition from the formalities to the dancefloor, smoke machines, more subs to beef up the sound & additional song list curating services for clients that want that extra special touch around making sure we play the right music in the right order.

  • 100%! Our artists love flying around the country and the globe to perform. All of our artists are open to exciting adventures no matter the location. We love providing customized quotes to include performance fees, AV supply, travel costs, and incidentals to create a clear picture for you of the full investment required when flying musicians in and out for the big day.